Monday, August 18, 2008


Was just thinking about my friend Shawn and his cat races. You

know, where you give them a few seconds head start before

jumping from the skydiving plane. The cats always win. What

brought it up was my perfect record in the stock market. I watch

an equity spiral to its death, and when it bounces I buy it. Every

time without fail, I find that one can fall much farther than all the

way. It almost seems that the stockholders end up in debt to the

company for having invested. Don't get me wrong, the market is

the only game in town and if used wisely will provide good returns,

somewhat safe parking, and endless entertainment. Just remember

the old blues songs about the killing floor, these players eat meat,

so if you play, as Miller says "grow some snickers". Don't worry, it's

an inside joke.

A quick thought about risk tolerance, what raises your brows?

+ 10% tight wad banker w/ no snickers

+ 20% the market does this all the time

+ 40% riding the waves w/ no vest

+ 60% kahoona flavored snickers

+ 80% betting the farm and the horses

+ 100% pure faith, you will lose everything several times

Every single living person can be "rich beyond the dreams of

Averist" but so often they value the useless and forget the gem.

Here is a little test, lookup "saddleback social forum question rich"

take two and call me in the morning. LOL Dave 8-)

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