Saturday, April 10, 2010

Looking for the good news on the dozens of networks I follow is oft a tedious endeavor. The fact we are alive to think of things like this is not a small piece of really good news. The recent Passover and Easter observances also remind that an entire world of joy and thanksgiving thrives in the midst of the bleak.
On a trip over the last couple weeks, I queried many and found some common views.
(1) The transition to a different kind of economy in this country is unnerving.
(2) It seems that everyone believes the US public debt levels will bring us to
(3) The lack of confidence goes even to distrust of the leaders of old institutions.
(4) Most people think a major not so good change is soon coming.
Where is the good news in this?
I also found everywhere, folks working away at the tasks at hand with resolve.
Many were very polite and helpful, even cheerful.
The doom and gloom, like the elephant in the room, may be obvious, but there is a faith that constant work at the job at hand will overcome. I believe that too. The adult is us sees the danger looming ahead, but rather than alarming the innocent, we try to face it leaving the children to grow up slowly. What a joy it is to be a child finding an egg on that strange and exciting Easter activity. How powerful was the message sent in the Colosseum when early Christians, singing their songs, were fed to the lions. I think we lead best by example, a positive example reaches thru time and space.

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