Monday, May 29, 2006


West Point speech

     I found it very informative to read Pres Bush's commencement address at West Point.
As expected, we see the informed humor to warm up, and a recap of the Academy's changes over the years. A long section on the "new war" and how
much it has not changed. “ideological struggle between tyranny and freedom.” Often the course material offered reflects the needs of the workplace and this caught my eye. "hired new faculty with expertise in Islamic law and culture" + "  identifying IEDs, conducting convoy operations and running checkpoints"
      These new leaders have different fight than did our parents, but the 1950 directive of President Truman remains operative even 56 years later. 
      I understand  that  "Truman was deeply unpopular at the end of his two terms in office and that it took a generation to appreciate his achievements."  and think it
could be the heroes who step up often only later receive their due.

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