Tuesday, December 27, 2005


Time to stand up

With so much disinformation and misdirection on the Net nowadays. It is time for some facts and objectivity to rise above the stream of low signal/noise horsepucky.
    I will start with an issue dear to my heart, it is workplace safety. The first thing one must know is that accidents at home or work are not because of some danger or hazard, but instead are almost always caused by improper methods and tools. Even in the vacuum of space or the depths of the sea, work can be done safely.  This little understood fact is demonstrated millions of times every day where the job is done safely, no one gets hurt. If the work is properly thought out and the correct equipment is used, any project can be completed without incident. That is almost true, but for example, take work that puts us out on the public highway system. It is easy to see that the number of variables to consider varies a lot depending where we are and what time it is. I found one company thinking “Isn’t It Mostly About the Driver’s Capability?” They are looking to technology and training for solutions in this area.      
But what about the moron reading his newspaper while driving right into the side of you. How do you prevent that.
We could probably get into a discussion about lightning strikes and fate. It is my view that in the effort to work safely, we do not need to beg the lightning to strike, but instead must recognize where danger may be and protect ourselves. You know watch out for the other guy. If some idiot is bound and determined to run into somebody, I just want to make sure it is not me.
Thanks for your very generous contribution to the Democratic party. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee the funds will go directly to the Clinton campaign. However, you can be sure you will be contacted about your offer to help with Clinton campaign when it makes the Ohio swing prior to this coming presidential election.
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